
Libei Si-Mg-Ca Fertilizer

This product contains various chelating trace elements, highly absorbable, with outstanding result in nutrition deficiency prevention It is full water soluble without residue

This product contains various chelating trace elements, highly absorbable, with outstanding result in nutrition deficiency prevention. It is full water soluble without residue.


1) Rich soil with organic nutrition: loose soil, eliminate physiological disease, remove soil hardening, promote soil structure conditioning, and improve entirely the crop rooting environment.

2) Build up fertility, facilitate nutrition uptake: stimulate the potentials of fertilizer, facilitate nutrition uptake via microbial organism, improve the utilization efficiency of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium, increase productivity and profit.

3) Reduce pesticide residue and improve quality: through the regulating of metalloprotease, speed up the metabolism recycle, effectively resolve pesticide residue, improve the agricultural product quality, avoid or relieve the hazardous injury from pesticide on human bodies.

4) Improve taste and restore the natural production: this product is rich in trace elements like Silicon, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Sodium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Boron etc. During application, they directly rich the soil in form of chelating. The fruits are in good taste, and nutritious, same as that in natural condition.

5) Strengthen root and stem: improve environment, the bacteria will rich the soil fertility, help crop growing, enhance the crop immunity, and strengthen root and stem.

Application Range

It is suitable for fruits, vegetables and field crops.

Application Method

Use as base fertilizer and additional fertilizer. Apply by spraying and dripping.